Ahmed Rehan, M.D.


Dr. Ahmed Rehan retired to Hawaii after practicing in Michigan for over 30 years. He completed his medical degree at King Edward Medical school in Pakistan. He completed his Nephrology Fellowship at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor. After settling in Hawaii he decided he wasn’t ready to quit taking care of patients just yet and so joined Hawaii Kidney Specialists.

At our nephrology practice, we encourage an atmosphere of effective communication between our staff and our patients. Our Nephrologists value patient input and encourage patients to play an active role in their kidney care. 


Contact us

We welcome your suggestions, would be delighted to get your input and hear any concerns you may have. 

Please email us at webinquiry@hikidney.com

Note: This email is for general information only. Please use our patient portal or call our office if you have a clinical question.